Activities on eTwinning.

 We have developed two eTwinning projects while this Erasmus KA229. In both of them, we get the quality and European quality labels in every country. 

Here you can find the link on Twinnspace where you can find all activities, materials, videos, links etc.

Our European cities and environment: a step forward.

Sharing activities with other European schools gives us the opportunity to develop a European conscience. Today more than ever, we live in a global community and we share the same problems in our cities or towns. We need to reinforce the European mentality of our students, placing in value European qualities like cooperation, solidarity, democracy, freedom, human rights, sustainable development and preserving our natural and cultural heritage.

We pretend to focus our activities on introducing, promoting and showing the nice sides (monuments, historical places) of our cities, and our natural environment. European knowledge is also about our cities and our urban culture, protected wild areas.

Knowing and learning more about Europe and their citizens will be our principal goal. The next step will be to promote eco-friendly-cities taking into account renewable energies, noise pollution, clean transport, healthy living habits, public participation etc.

Here you can find the link

Green Power Against Noise Pollution

The aim of this project is to develop some activities directly related to our Erasmus+ project with the same name. Noise Pollution will be the main topic but related to others like clean transport, renewables, livable cities, healthy living habits, sports, etc. We pretend to involve four Schools in Poland, Denmark, Norway and Spain.

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